The SJ Low Legacy
The company’s legacy is one that journeys back to the early childhood days of its founder SJ Low who sold soursop from his garden to make ends meet. Borne out of this entrepreneurial spirit came the founding of SJ LOW trading and importing company in 1934 and a vision to build a global trading business based on the values of integrity and trust.
It was with this passion and unbridled determination to succeed that drove him to become one of Singapore’s pioneer traders, venturing as far as America in search of new business opportunities. And it was there, that he forged strong trading partnerships with manufacturers and producers who, even without contractual documentation, were prepared to ship large containers of products to Asia on the basis of agreements that were built around traditional principle of honour. One such long and strong relationships was with Ezra Battat, the owner and founder of Liberty Gold, the company behind the LIGO range of products, whose firm trust in the partnership with SJ LOW, has continued till today, in a close and trusted bond between the two established family businesses.
The business continued under the management of three generations of the Low family, from SJ Low and his brother Kim Joo Low to his son YC Low and now his grandson Zhennan Low. Growing from strength to strength in the years that followed, it entered new markets, increased its product range, diversified its business offerings, introduced value added operational services and embraced new developments in technology.
While the global business landscape has evolved significantly over the last 80 years, one thing remains unchanged and that is, upholding the SJ LOW legacy where the fundamental values of integrity and trust have and will always be the cornerstone of its business.